Media Coverage of Report: And Now a Word From Our Sponsors

In January, I released a report called, And Now a Word from Our Sponsors: Are America’s Nutrition Professionals in the Pocket of Big Food? The report continues to receive media attention, in part due to a petition asking the Academy to clean up its act. Be sure to sign on. Also, please support Dietitians for Professional Integrity, a new group of dedicated registered dietitians working to change the Academy’s sponsorship policies.

My blog post:

Huffington Post: McDonald’s ‘Educating’ Nutrition Professionals

Media and Blog Coverage:

New York Times: Report Faults Food Group’s Sponsor Ties

International Business Times: Nutrition Industry Sold Out to Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Kellogg, Hershey and Other Junk Food Giants, Registered Dieticians Say

Food Navigator USA: Should AND sever its ties with ‘junk food’ corporate sponsors?

The Progressive: Nutrition, Inc. (PDF)

Cross-posted on AlterNet: How Big Food Has Co-opted America’s Top Nutrition Group

Food Politics: New study: Big Food’s ties to Registered Dietitians

Cross-posted on Organic Connections: New Report Examines Big Food’s Ties to Registered Dietitians

Huffington Post: New Report: Big Food Co-Opts Nutrition Group’s Message

Food Business News: Report questions credibility of nutrition association

Prevention: Are America’s Nutrition Professionals in the Pocket of Big Food?

Grist: Force-fed: How corporate sponsorship poisons nation’s top group of nutritionists

Forbes: What Should You Eat? Report Says ‘Big Food’ Influencing Dieticians

Weighty Matters: Author Michele Simon’s Devastating Report on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Corporate Ties

Today’s Dietitian: Corporate Sponsorship Report Draws Heated Response

Diets in Review: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Relationships with Big Food Soil the Good Name of Registered Dietitians

Grace Communications Foundation: Report: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Too Cozy with Industry

Food Democracy Now: And Now a Word from Our Sponsors: Are Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Shilling For Big Food?

Saludify: Are Big Food companies taking over nutritionist organizations?

Idea Health & Fitness Association: Professional Nutrition Groups and Ties to Corporate Sponsors

Association of Corporate Counsel: Dietician organization riddled with “big food” support, new report alleges The Connection Between the Diet Aristocracy and Big Food/Big Pharma

Baltimore Brew: Fast talk about fast food

The Conscientious Omnivore: This nutrition education session brought to you by … Coca-Cola

Zoe Harcombe: American dietitians, big ‘food’ companies & conflict of interest

Nutrition Intervention: Food Companies Pledge to Shed Calories, But Will the AND Shed Their Sponsors?

Fierce & Fit: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics aka the Academy of Pepsi, Coca-Cola & Nestle

Café Moms: Is your nutritionist sponsored by Coca Cola? Very probably…

Daily Health Guide: Nutrition Industry Sold Out to Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Kellogg, Hershey and other…

Paty M’s Nutrition World: Money TALKS – When Food Companies Dictate What Healthy Is!!

Kyhealthykids: Tobacco flashbacks: Coke and Pepsi Sponsor Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Video interview with Dr. Mercola: “Are America’s Nutrition Professionals in the Pocket of Big Food?” and YouTube


Organic Consumers

Nutrition Videos 4 Me

Intellectual Revolution


Set You Free News


Coverage of Dietitians for Professional Integrity and petition petition: Stop junk food giants from taking over nutrition programs

Civil Eats: Dietitians Call For Integrity

Huffington Post: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Big Food Controversy

Eating Rules: It’s Time for an R.D. Revolution  

Living Healthy: Andy Bellatti, MS, RD – Changemaker, Creator, Creator Small Bites Blog & Co-Founder Dietitians for Professional Integrity

US Food Policy: Recent Activities of Dietitians for Professional Integrity

Health Impact News Daily: Dietitians for Professional Integrity Expose Corporate Sponsorship of Nutrition Group by Processed Food Industry

Chicago Tribune: McDonald’s and Coke should not sponsor dietitian association, petition says

San Antonio Express-News: Chew on This: Is Big Biz influencing dietitians?

Food Identity Theft: Registered dietitians register dissent over ‘Big Food’ presence at their event

One Response to “Media Coverage of Report: And Now a Word From Our Sponsors”

  1. This is by far more than a list of media coverage of your latest report, but a petition signed by organizations, experts, students, casual bloggers and more in respond to food injustice. A clear display of food advocacy.

    I hope your report continues to sounds it’s alarm and bring fellow food advocates together, as it clearly has done thus far.

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