Media Coverage for Clowning Around with Charity Report

Clowning_Around_Charity_Report_CoverI am pleased to see so many media outlets take an interest in my recent report, produced in collaboration with Corporate Accountability International and the Small Planet Fund.  Below is a round-up of the coverage so far.

USA Today: McDonald’s slammed over Ronald McDonald House giving. Also published in:

–       Democrat and Chronicle
–       Tucson Citizen
–       THV 11
–       The Indianapolis Star
–       Green Bay Press Gazette
–       Livingston Daily
–       Courier Post Online
–       Wausau Daily Herald
–       Wisconsin In a Rapids Tribune
–       Ithaca Journal
–       Press Connects
–       UTNE Alt Wire
–       Daily Tribune
–       Journal News
–       Press & Sun Bulletin
–       The Post-Crescent
–       Fort Myers News-Press

Additional coverage:

ABC News: McDonald’s Accused of Being Cheap Toward Its Charitable Arm. Also appeared on:

–       KMBZ
–       East Idaho News
–       The Sky 973
–       Akron News Now
–       AM 790 Talk & Business
–       WPRO News Talk
–       FM 102.9 KARN
–       KMAS Radio
–       KFOR 1240 AM

Marion Nestle’s Food Politics: How charitable is McDonald’s? Not very, says new report

Washington Times: McDonald’s fights charity charge that it reaps, but does not pay

International Business Times: McDonald’s Corp Exploits Ronald McDonald House Despite Giving Scant Financial Support, Report Alleges

UPI: Report: McDonald’s gives too little to Ronald McDonald Houses

U.S. News and World Report: ‘Charity’ Means Big Business for McDonald’s

Forbes: Report Finds McDonald’s Skimps On Charity Donations

–       Also appeared on: Chicago Tribune

NBC10 (Philadelphia): Does McDonald’s Give Enough to Its Own Charity?

WTHR13 (Indianapolis) McDonald’s Charity

Consumerist: McDonald’s Criticized For Using Ronald McDonald House For Cheap Publicity

–       Also appeared on: Airing News; New In StreetUFC Blog

Nonprofit Quarterly: McDonald’s and its Minimalist Funding of the Ronald McDonald House

The Chronicle Of Philanthropy: Advocacy Groups Blast McDonald’s Over Charity Support

InvestorPlace: McDonald’s Taken to Task Over Ronald McDonald House

Wall St. CheatSheet: Is McDonald’s Guilty of ‘Clowning Around with Charity’?

Common Dreams: McDonald’s: Exploiting Charity to Deflect Criticism, Reap Benefits

Grub Street: McDonald’s Accused of not Giving Enough to Its Own Charity

The Worden Report: McDonald’s Strategic use of Its Charity: Clowning around with Ethics?

Deseret News: McDonald’s charity under fire, responds to allegations

Take Part: McDonald’s Takes the Value Menu Approach to Funding Its Own Charity

Huffington Post Blog: McDonald’s Lesson to Companies: Charity, Impact Better Be on the Menu

–       Also appeared on: Selfish Giving

Huffington Post: McDonald’s Fires Back At Damning Charity Report, Says It’s ‘Shameful And Misleading’

–       Also appeared on: eWallstreeter

Philanthropy Daily: Stingy with its own charity?

Jessica Gottlieb: Q: How Much Money Does McDonald’s Give to Ronald McDonald Houses? A: Not Much

Mamavation: Ronald McDonalds Charities Not So McDonaldy

Corporations & Health Watch: Clowning Around with Charity

FriendsEat: Group Accuses McDonald’s of Exploiting Charity for PR Benefit

Deception by Omission: Ronald McDonald’s Charities – Fraudulant Giving = Cheap Advertising and Branding

24 All News: McDonald’s Responds To Accusations Of Stiffing Its Charity

105.9 WMAL: McDonald’s Accused of Exploiting Ronald McDonald House Charities How McDonald’s Exploits Philanthropy and Targets Children

Salon: McDonald’s bogus charity image: Who’s really funding the Ronald McDonald Houses?

Valley News: Tapping Into Altruism Can Be Lucrative

Democratic Underground: Clowning Around with Charity: How McDonald’s Exploits Philanthropy and Targets Children

AllVoices: Report: McDonald’s gives too little to Ronald McDonald House

RTT News: McDonald’s Gives Little to Ronald McDonald Houses

WTHR NBC 13: McDonald’s Charity

Washington Times: McDonald’s fights charity charge that it reaps, but does not pay McTeacher’s Night Buys Silence, Harms Kids’ Health

Sustainable Brands: ‘Sesame Street’ Characters Encouraging Kids to Eat Healthier

KYHealthyKids: McDonald’s Uses Library to Market to Kids

Care2: McDonald’s Is As Stingy Towards Charities As It is to Workers

BuzzFeed Food: 12 Ways Fast Food Companies Trick you Into Eating More Junk

Deutsche Welle: Ronald McDonald House garners star architects, criticism

il Cambiamento: Clowning Around With Charity

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