New Feature: Thank a Lawyer

Over the decades, the right wing has done a pretty good job brainwashing the American public into thinking that “trial lawyers” are evil and greedy. That meme has come in handy in the No on Prop 37 campaign’s scaremongering about imaginary “shakedown lawsuits.” (Read more on Prop 37.) So that got me thinking, it’s high-time to refurbish the image of lawyers, especially those fighting against Big Food. (See my post from July, Top 10 Lawyers Working to Improve the Food System for a good start.)

The following three stories have all been in the news in just the past week. Each illustrates the important role of lawyers in helping to curb various harms of our industrialized food system. Watch this space for more stories like these. And if you know any lawyers, please give them a hug; they could probably use it.

Environmental groups win challenge to gene-altered crops on National Wildlife Refuges in South

Monsanto Roundup-Ready Alfalfa Should Be Blocked, Court Told

Dairy farmers threatened with lawsuit for ground contamination

Full disclosure: Each of these stories involves lawyers from the Center for Food Safety, where I am a consultant. However, I did not write this on their behalf.

One Response to “New Feature: Thank a Lawyer”

  1. KE says:

    Awesome! Thank you for making this new feature; I am very excited about it. You and the other lawyers in your field do amazing work. I worked inside the Big Food industry for 5 years, but am currently studying for the LSAT and hope to continue forging the path with all of you some day.

    I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer Pomeranz at a conference last fall and have followed her work ever since. At that same conference, I met Emily Broad Leib and was fortunate enough to work for her at Harvard’s Food Law and Policy Clinic. I saw first hand all of the amazing work that lawyers do in fighting against Big Food. A big thank you to everyone!!

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