Mayogate: Unilever Doctoring Customer Reviews

Big Mayo scrubbing Hellmann’s website to cover up deception after filing lawsuit against Hampton Creek

Hellmann's Page

Screen shots of Hellmann’s promotion showing altered customer reviews. (Click for larger resolution.)

Last week I wrote about the negative PR backlash against global giant Unilever for its desperate lawsuit against Hampton Creek over Just Mayo, a new product made without eggs that is quickly stealing market share from twin brands Hellmann’s and Best Foods, the market leaders. Most corporations shy away from filing these sorts of competitor lawsuits and Unilever is about to find out why.

Unilever claims that the San Francisco startup’s Just Mayo product violates the federal definition of “mayonnaise”, which requires eggs. The case hinges on the accusation that Hampton Creek is deceiving consumers by marketing their product as mayonnaise when the law says it’s not.

It turns out that Unilever has been doing the exact same thing. But now that they’ve filed a lawsuit, the corporate giant is trying to cover its tracks. Hampton Creek has identified numerous instances of recent changes to the Hellmann’s website, including altering customer reviews, in an effort to rewrite history.

Is “mayonnaise dressing” really mayonnaise?

The Hellmann’s brand consists of at least six varieties of some form of “mayonnaise”. But only half of them meet the Food and Drug Administration’s “standard of identity” (definition) for mayonnaise. You can tell just by looking at the labels. For example, the Hellmann’s variety made with olive oil is called “mayonnaise dressing” because it does not contain the minimum amount of oil (65 percent by weight) legally required by FDA to be called mayonnaise.

And yet, the Hellmann’s website shows the three “mayonnaise dressing” products under the tab called “mayonnaise” and these brand extensions are obviously intended for consumers to think they are mayonnaise. Only the company’s flagship product is called “Real Mayonnaise”. For each of the three products that cannot be called mayonnaise, the first ingredient is water, so essentially these products are watered-down versions.

Realizing they have a huge problem on their hands given the enormous media attention the lawsuit has already received, Unilever is now, in the midst of litigation they started, trying to destroy any evidence of the mayonnaise deception. Here are a few examples of this 21st century document shredding, according to Hampton Creek:

1)  Deleting at least 10 customers reviews that used the word “mayo” or “mayonnaise” for products that do not meet the FDA’s definition of mayonnaise, including for the balsamic, olive oil, and cholesterol-free varieties;

2)  Adding the word “dressing” to customer testimonials for non-mayonnaise products; the above image shows two such examples; you can also see the original page here and as of 10:00 am Pacific Time on Sunday, the doctored one here; however, this page was further altered to remove both doctored comments after the New York Times story hit today.

3)  Adding the word “dressing” after Canola Cholesterol Free Mayonnaise, see below.

cholesterol free mayoPot, meet kettle

Unilever’s lawsuit against Hampton Creek for fooling consumers into thinking egg-free Just Mayo is mayonnaise now looks both frivolous and absurdly hypocritical.

For starters, the phrase “mayonnaise dressing” seems more likely to trick consumers into buying “mayonnaise” than Hampton Creek’s “Just Mayo” name. But branding is more about images than words. The Hellmann’s brand is 101 years old and its iconic blue ribbon logo is instantly recognizable; by contrast Just Mayo has only been on the market for less than a year.

In addition, the FDA does not consider having eggs in mayonnaise more important than oil. In fact, it appears that containing oil is of higher importance than eggs, as the required oil amount is at least 65 percent.

With its “mayonnaise dressing” brand extensions, Hellmann’s is making its customers think the products are mayonnaise, which is what Unilever is accusing Hampton Creek of doing. That’s why Unilever decided to scrub its website of the damning evidence that could be used against them – ironically in the very lawsuit the company filed.

Possible legal violations

The Federal Trade Commission, the federal agency that regulates all forms of advertising, has been cracking down on deceptive uses of third-party endorsements and testimonials. The FTC would probably frown on altering customer reviews. For example, the agency’s guide to endorsements and testimonials says that such statements:

“must reflect the honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experience of the endorser” and “may not be presented out of context or reworded so as to distort in any way the endorser’s opinion or experience with the product.”

Rewording a customer comment from describing a product as “mayonnaise” to “mayonnaise dressing” could be interpreted as distorting that customer’s “experience with the product”.

Also, endorsements, just like advertising, must be “truthful and not misleading”. The FTC guide notes:

“Furthermore, an endorsement may not convey any express or implied representation that would be deceptive if made directly by the advertiser.”

In other words, a company can’t adopt third-party statements that they couldn’t make directly, such as referring to a non-mayonnaise product as mayonnaise. That explains why Unilever is so busy changing customer reviews.

But they’ve so far neglected their social media. Unilever’s social media team has been “liking” the comments that call certain products mayonnaise but are not; for example, see this Facebook page for “Creamy Balsamic Mayonnaise Dressing”, where Unilever refers to the product as “mayonnaise.” (For some unknown reason, the balsamic variety has been removed from the Hellmann’s site altogether.)

The FDA considers “liking” a deceptive comment on Facebook a form of illegal endorsement and has sent companies warning letters for such activity.

Glass houses

How the second largest consumer goods corporation in the world could be engaging in such amateur hour tactics is baffling. If you’re going to sue a competitor over deceptive marketing, you should probably clean up your own act first. It’s likely that some heads will roll over this. Whoever gave the order to alter customer comments should be fired first. The cover up is usually worse then the underlying offense.

The reason most corporations don’t like to file competitor lawsuits is that they fear they will be next. Those living in glass houses shouldn’t throw eggs.

You can watch a video from Hampton Creek explaining the manipulation here.

Postscript: The New York Times also just covered this story here. Mike Faherty, vice president for foods of Unilever North America told reporter Stephanie Strom that the company “inadvertently edited” comments “when they should have just been removed.” Inadvertently edited, what does that mean? That some dumb intern did it? What he really means is they got caught. As in the military, mistakes were made.

Faherty also flat out lied to the New York Times when he told Strom, “the minute we found out there was something misleading on our pages, we took action.” Actually as the Times notes earlier in the article, Hampton Creek sent Unilever a letter on November 4, outlining the misleading labels and marketing copy, and yet the company took no action until they began doctoring and removing comments on Friday, November 14, ten days after they were notified.

The mayo wars are about to get even uglier.

83 Responses to “Mayogate: Unilever Doctoring Customer Reviews”

  1. Mychel says:

    Yes they changed their stuff, but isn’t that exactly what they’re asking Hampton to do? Sure it’s late, but they’re no longer misleading us like Just Mayo is…the posturing in this article is way off.

    • Not Mychel says:

      The fact that they “changed their stuff”, stealthily, then lied about those changes, shows that they’re hypocritical and dishonest. Whereas Just Mayo hasn’t been misleading about anything.
      Unilever’s actions against Hampton Creek are about one thing: trying to squash an increasingly popular competitor.

      • Mychel says:

        Changing consumer comments/reviews is way wrong and deceitful, and frankly they just didn’t need to do it. But from a legal perspective on the case, I still think Hellmann’s has a pretty strong case.

        • dave c says:

          Posturing? I think the article is dead on. Unilever is bullying a small company for something trivial that Unilever does itself.

          Truthfully, do you work for Unilever or one of their associates? Your perspective seems odd to me. Somehow I doubt you came here because of outrage over the “misleading” that Hampton was doing.

          • lisab says:

            I couldn’t just like your comment so i had to comment myself Dave…right on. Must work for Unilever

    • Bonnie says:

      Thank you for keeping me updated and informing me about the sheer hypocrisy of Unilever in their law suit against Hampton Creek. They seem to be the ones that are really trying to deceive the public; their double standard is contemptible!

    • Adrienne says:

      It’s called “unclean hands.” If you’re going to beat your chest (and file a lawsuit) claiming a competitor is deceiving the public, you better not be doing it yourself.

    • really now? says:

      You sound just a little bit like a paid shill. The in general average consumer doesn’t feel mislead by the “just mayo” name. The article is SPOT ON. Unilever had been doing exactly what it has accused it’s competitor of doing unfairly. Not only that, but they’ve maliciously attempted to erase history. Their suit should be thrown out, and legal fees should be given to Just Mayo. They figure they are a massive company with the financial means to bury a competitor. The suit against Just Mayo is Just Wrong.

      • Jim says:

        My perception of a product called “Just Mayo” is that it would have just the basic ingredients, no additives , and if the traditional ingredient was sugar, it would not be swapped for corn syrup. If mayonnaisse is traditionally made with eggs, the “Just Mayo” brand should have eggs, otherwise it is “Just Mayo without the eggs”.

        So yes, it is deceptive.

    • MoodyFoodie says:

      Well, to be fair, they didn’t “change their stuff” – they changed consumer comments, they call their product the same thing as before. But it’s erasing the fact that consumers consider this “with Olive Oil Mayonnaise Dressing” to be “Mayonnaise” when it isn’t according to the law. So actually the way it was before, with commenters calling THAT product “Mayonnaise” would have backed up their own point against Hampton Creek, that they are misleading people about it being “Mayonnaise… lol! but so are they! Why am I thinking of “The Sneetches on the Beaches”…

      • Berry says:

        Come on.. you still think those are legetimate consumer reviews? You cannot be charged for a review a consumer wrote, only if you wrote it yourself. Unilever is a very strange company, believe me

  2. Casey says:

    I don’t consider eggless mayo deceptive. Candy marketed to kids as fruit snacks on the other hand…

  3. Jenna says:

    Just Mayo is awesome! It’s a bummer when big corporations like this pick on the little guy that’s trying to do something positive for the world. And altering customer comments and reviews? Looks like Unilever is the one that’s being misleading.

    • Beth says:

      I’ve been using “Veganaise” brand vegan mayo/dressing for years, and find it so superior to actual mayonnaise ( I used to be a loyal hellmans consumer) I haven’t gone back to real mayo, and doubt I ever will. I love the new vegan dressings etc. They taste better than the ones using animal products.

  4. Shannon says:

    Thank you so much for keeping up on this suit and uncovering the truth about Unilever. What they are doing is awful! Keep strong Hampton Creek!!!

  5. Gayle says:

    I love that Hampton Creek doesn’t just answer the public’s desire to know what is in their food – they encourage others to do so as well.

  6. Brittany says:

    All of this fuss by Unilever actually makes me really excited about Hampton Creek. I’ve never witnessed a company rise this fast with such a strong, positive mission. Change is looking good 🙂 Thanks for all of the continued info on this weird mayo war.

  7. Sam says:

    All this fuss over a little pea protein? I’ll take that over all these damn low fat varieties

  8. Mrs Hester says:

    Thanks EatDrinkPolitics for keeping us apprised of the latest happenings regarding Mayogate. Changing supposed customer reviews is shady Unilever. Bullying is bad enough, lying about it makes it worse.

  9. Melanie says:

    “Those living in glass houses shouldn’t throw eggs.” Great article! Hampton Creek is making healthier, sustainable and affordable food for my family, so I’m a huge fan. Hellmann’s is just trying to squash the good guy. That, along with them changing customer comments? No thanks, I’ll stick with my Just Mayo!

  10. Jake says:

    I love Just Mayo and can’t wait to have more delicious food from Hampton Creek.

  11. Ruthanna says:

    I respect and like that Hampton Creek is making products that strive to be healthier, affordable, delicious, and available at common shopping stops. Thank you for the transparency & shedding some light on Unilever’s somewhat shady practices.

  12. Erica says:

    It seems to me that choosing Just Mayo over Hellmann’s is a no-brainer. Why not eat healthier and more sustainable food when a company like Hampton Creek makes it so easy and affordable?!

  13. Lauren says:

    Unbelievable! I hope Unilever drops this suit. It’s a waste of time and money that could be spent on making better food (like Hampton Creek is already doing).

  14. Amanda says:

    Hampton Creek has such an incredible mission! Allowing me to feed my child a healthier option which is low cost and delicious! How dare someone actually have a goal to help solve a food problem!!! Big guys need to back up because this company is changing the world! I will never again buy another mayo!!!

  15. Ryan V says:

    Thank you so much for covering this cover up! Unilever’s actions are horrible and they need to be exposed. Just mayo is delicious and their mission is honorable- how many companies can you say that about? Certainly not Unilever. Not only will I not by Best Mayo or Hellman’s ever again, I endeavor to never purchase anything from any Unilever company, no matter what they’re selling.

  16. Denise says:

    “Pot, meet Kettle.” As for Unilever, I’m disgusted with each new piece of disclosed information as ‘Mayogate’ unfolds, although not surprised. Corporate corruption is rampant, and sometimes, it takes somebody doing the right thing for the right reason to make it explode wide open. As for Hampton Creek, I’m with you all the way! Keep doing what you’re doing. I buy your products (and absolutely LOVE them) and I fully support your mission!

  17. Reese says:

    What?! Deleting customer comments and then reposting them with changes? Can you do that? And how petty. Makes me wonder if they were real customer comments to begin with. This alone will make me never support Unilever or Hellmann’s. Just Mayo and Hampton’s you have a new customer. Thanks for covering this important food issue. Consumers need more real truth about what is going on in our food systems.

  18. Allison says:

    Thanks for spreading the word on this craziness!! You are a change for good in the world

  19. Amber says:

    Hampton Creek is really changing the food system. It’s about time someone has the determination and guts to stand out in the crowd. I’m all about supporting companies that do good in the world. Lifetime customer!

  20. Alice Greene says:

    Its awful that a company like unilever is deceiving its customers. I’m switching to Honest Companies Hampton Creek for all my Families homes we will use Hampton Creeks and other honest companies products ! Thank you so much for posting this information . We all want to know what we’re more lies!

  21. David says:

    A better product is hard to compete against, for anyone, including Unilever. Trying to bend reality won’t help them as long as articles like this call them on their game. Thank you, and well done

    Seems to me that making a better tasting, healthier, more affordable competitive product would be the best way for Unilever to compete against a better tasting, healthier and more affordable product that is beating them. The invisible hand of the market will keep working against Unilever’s current offerings no matter what their legal team does.

  22. Betsy says:

    I started using Just Mayo about 10 months ago when my daughter gave me a jar after she bought a buy one get one. I think it makes my sandwiches taste lighter and better. Thanks for defending the start-up!

  23. Krishna says:

    As a lifelong vegetarian, I wasn’t a mayo consumer until a few months ago when I discovered this wonderful, delicious egg-free Just Mayo, and now I use it on EVERY sandwich :). Hampton Creek is fulfilling its mission to bring healthier, delicious, sustainable AND affordable food to EVERYone, EVERYwhere – this is just further reason to support an admirable, do-good company!

  24. Lisa Rose says:

    there is nothing as fresh tasting and delicious as just mayo. Bravo, Hampton Creek, for making a product that’s better for us, the planet, and our wallets. Love you!

  25. Kit says:

    Unilever’s case is based on truth to consumers, they claim. This “scrubbing” by them now is the epitome of hypocrisy.

    They screwed up filing this frivolous lawsuit, why not just suck it up and learn their lesson in all this. Hampton Creek did something Unilever failed to, but should have. That’s ALL their lawsuit says to me is “Sorry Joe Public, we screwed up, but we’re too big for our own britches to admit it”.

  26. nunya bidness says:

    Just bought my first two jars of Just Mayo last week after being nothing but a best foods customer my whole life. As consumers we can make a choice weather or not we support anti-competitive actions and deception from the people making our food.

    I will not stand by and give my business to an entity such as Unilever who chooses to bring such a frivolous waste of the courts time.

  27. Colby says:

    The whole thing is just so stupid. The fact there needs to be a law about how much should be in mayo is retarded. Mayonnaise is just a emulsion of acid and fats that you spread on sandwiches and use in sauces. Who TF cares if it has eggs or not.

    • MoodyFoodie says:

      News Flash: Food standards do exist. In theory they are there to protect the consumer, from back in the day that companies could put in a lot of horrible, cheap stuff to bulk out a food and still call it by whatever name. That’s why there are laws like this. Just because you don’t know or care what’s supposed to be in foods does that mean we should just throw all the rules out?

  28. Len Feldman says:

    I’m not a lawyer, but Hampton Creek is making a very strong case that Unilever has been using the term mayonnaise for some time to describe foods that don’t meet the FDA’s technical definition. If it was the FDA that was suing Hampton Creek, it would have the argument that “Just Mayo” is confusing to consumers. However, it’s not the FDA that’s suing, it’s Unilever, and the company has to prove that Hampton Roads significantly damaged it by mislabeling its “Just Mayo” product. It’s going to be almost impossible to win with that argument if Unilever has been using the same mislabeling to sell its own products, since it would have been profiting from the same mislabeling.

    In my opinion, this is a relatively cheap way for Unilever to cripple a smaller competitor. If Unilever wins, Hampton Creek will be required to rename its product in a way to eliminate any consumer confusion. If it loses, its market situation is no worse than it was before the lawsuit. Either way, it forces a small startup to spend millions of dollars to defend itself in court, and diverts Hampton Creek’s management from focusing on day-to-day operations. My hope is that all the negative publicity that Unilever is getting will backfire and force the company to drop the suit, or even pay a settlement to Hampton Creek.

  29. Misneac says:

    I think they should put Sam Snead on “The Case of The Missing Eggs”. If ever the FDA needed a hard boiled detective THIS is the case. I wonder… would pea-protein make him gritty?

  30. I love the Just Mayo product. For a while I was “fooled” by the “olive oil” mayonnaise label, until one day I read the ingredients.

  31. Misneac says:

    Heh. Sorry. Sam SPADE, not Snead. Auto correct thinks golf will solve this somehow.

  32. Kimi Kim-Ng says:

    Just Mayo should simply change their name to “UnMayo” and have the last laugh because people are still going to buy it as it’s healthier, affordable and accessible. And it will still have the same distinctive label with just a slight tweak in the name that, because of Unilever’s silly lawsuit, will guarantee it’s identity and popularity for decades to come!

  33. Sean McLoughlin says:

    It is hard to believe that Unilever is so stupid! It looks like some of their employees are doing their utmost to promote Just Mayo. Having tasted both, I can understand their motivation.

  34. Misneac says:

    If they change it to UnMayo then UNilever will probably sue them again for misleading labeling and UNilever brand infringement. I suggest little “banana stickers” with the word “NOT” on them. Stick em on the jars wherever is legally necessary, and tell Unilever to get bent. Less legal expense, no design and print retooling expenses, Hampton Bay benefits from the free publicity, and Unilever wins a Pyrhic victory at best. Never mind opening themselves up to charges of misleading labeling, frivolous lawsuits, and anti competition.

    • Diane says:

      Yes this frivolous lawsuit seems to give more advertising exposure for the deliciousness that Just Mayo is.People that never heard or thought of Just Mayo will now be trying it and wow is it tasty.

      • Larry says:

        Well, I had never heard of this brand before but I plan to buy its product now! I used to like Hellmans but I will avoid it now. Those of us that are new to this product should welcome the morons at Uniliever for their excellent marketing ploy of raising the awareness of this brand!

        Unilever, keep up with your corporate stupidity and hypocrisy!

  35. Annarosa says:

    When will Just Mayo be available in Australia?

  36. Idontbuymayo says:

    I don’t but Hellman’s or other mayo, but I may start now to buy Just Mayo. I will be boycotting all of Unilever’s products that i have been buying, and that is for certain. Good-bye Klondike bars…and Popsicles…Breyer’s Ice Cream…Dove…Tresemme…Q-tips…Lipton. My family and I will survive without the big bully. I am tired of the billionaires trying to squash the start ups.

    • Linda says:

      I agree with you. I’m not a Mayo fan but I’ll go find some Just Mayo. Unilever has done enough damage, no more Unilever for me either

  37. granny says:

    How come they aren’t going after Duke’s Mayonnnaise and Blue Plate Mayo… Might be those companies have enough to fight back…

    • MoodyFoodie says:

      Duke’s is Mayonnaise (never heard of the other one). As far as I know there’s no reason to “go after” them (as if this was a reason). They don’t own the name “Mayonnaise”. So Unilever’s reasons are silly because mis-use of “Mayo” as they are claiming affects ANY company that makes “Mayonnaise” as defined.

  38. Peaches says:

    Shame on Unilever. Our household will be switching brands to Just Mayo on principal alone.

  39. nazani says:

    Neither the FDA, the Bureau of Patents, nor any company can stop the ceaseless morphing of the English language. Americans will continue to call any nose-blowing tissue a “kleenex,” any upright electric cooler a “fridge,” and any white oily spread mayonnaise. And no, we don’t care what the French call anything.

    BTW, shame on Starbucks for suing monks who sold “Christmas Blend” in their little coffee shop. No-one should be allowed to patent common English words.

    • It’s not a “patent” it’s a “trademark” and all brands are based on them.

      You can call every bandage a band aid in every day use, but you cannot label your product as such. If companies were not allowed to “patent common English words, ” there would be no brands. How then do you propose telling them apart.

      Then there is the minor logical gap in your argument. Without the “patent” in the first place, words like Kleenex would never have become common in the first place.

  40. Clueless Git says:

    Gates and Theil must be laughing into their caviar filled swimming pools at how cheaply, even if it runs up millions in legal cost, this amount of publicity and public support for their brand has been bought.

  41. Eric says:

    This publicity will keep me from EVER buying Unilever products, EVEN if they drop the suit.
    If they continue the lawsuit a total boycott is in Unilever’s future (many already have).

  42. Bell Tech says:

    F..K em will never buy their Hellman’s products EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AGAIN, PERIOD

  43. Eric L says:

    Just Mayo has got to be laughing all the way to the bank. This is so funny! They are getting more attention from this lawsuit than they could ever get with standard advertising. They taught this lesson 30 years ago in marketing classes.

    I bought Just Mayo for the 1st time just because of this lawsuit, and it tastes great! Unilever you just keep on working your magic in the marketplace with your effective lawsuits. I’m sure the Vegan ice cream makers are hoping they come after them next. Haha!

    I can’t wait for the Dilbert cartoon this topic.

  44. Cynthia C says:

    I want to applaud Unilever for its free advertising/marketing of HAMPTON FOODS. I just went to HAMPTON FOODS website and today being my bi-weekly shopping day, I CANNOT WAIT TO PURCHASE HAMPTON FOOD PRODUCTS. I read labels, and will never purchase ANYTHING with the Unilever name on it. Just as Idontbuymayo said on November 17, 2014 at 12:35 pm, I’m done with ALL Unilever products and there are many. I wasn’t aware of Hampton Foods, but I am now – thanks again Unilever!

  45. Diane says:

    Yep Unilever thank you for directing me to Just Mayo.It just taste better than Hellman’s.That’s all I have to say about that.

  46. nowhiners says:

    I think Unilever should sue the Mayo Clinic while they’re at it, and the Spanish month of May. Think how much market share Cinco de Mayo takes from Hellmann’s, with everyone using guacacmole and picante sauce instead.

    Go, Hampton Foods, may your compassionate, sustainable business model thrive and prosper! (Unilever – anagram for “evil rune.”)

  47. Hangry Canuck says:

    Thank you Unilever for getting this so much attention. I will make sure never to buy Hellmann’s ever again and give Just Mayo a try.

  48. Carl Sapelli says:

    The stupidity of this blog is unbelievable. The central ingredients of MAYONNAISE are eggs and oil – PERIOD – Canola, olive, whatever. To talk about the use of canola or olive in the same character as not using eggs is the height of idiocy.

  49. It’s so nice that we live in a country that is so prosperous that we have time to get up in arms over a legal dispute between two companies about mayo or not mayo on a label…despite all attempts by the agitators to destroy the prosperity that allows them the free time to whine about everything under the sun.

    It’s a legal dispute, children. One side or the other will win, and it will be settled. The end.

    Regardless of who wins, I won’t buy the faux mayo. It tastes awful and doesn’t work properly in recipes.

  50. Ironic that someone with a name like “nowhiners” would whine so much and so incoherently.

  51. Just Mayo is a fantastic product. I just purchased my third jar! Its much more affordable than other vegan mayo and delicious. I was raised on Hellman’s and Just Mayo is not only the ethical choice, its actually better! I’m going to buy a case and give it out for Christmas! I’m so tired of big corporate feeding us crap and having none to answer to. Now they do. Us. Vote with your dollars. Tell Unilever to go scratch where they really feel it. Their wallet. GO JUST MAYO!!!!

  52. k a says:

    When did people stop making their own mayonnaise? It’s easy, and definitely cheaper.

  53. Annie Spaghetti says:

    I agree that Unilever’s position and actions look like a patent (pun intended) case of abuse of a position of power.
    Personally, I make my own mayo every time and I would never think about buying this kind of products. With plunging food mixer it takes me less than 2 minutes flat including the time to gather the ingredients and putting the tools in the dishwasher, it is fresh, it has exactly no disputable or low quality ingredients (like fresh lemon and organic cold press olive oil) and it tastes vastly better than any pre-packaged stuff on the market. I am proud of having been choosing quality for me and my kids’ health. And saving money at the same time. 😉

    • Annie Spaghetti says:

      Sorry, the difficulties of typing from a cellphone caught up with me.
      I meant that I don’t use any cheap industrial ingredients and that I can make my very good tasting and very real food mayo with organic virgin olive oil and fresh lemons with a plunging mixer for less money and less trouble than getting a large jar of dead stuff from the store.

  54. James Theall says:

    I have a cultured cashew spread called Nuteese. It is vegan and delicious as a dip, a spread on sandwiches or even an ingredient with pasta or veggies. I am following healthy sustainable business practices.
    While I haven’t personally given up cheese, especially goat cheese, Nuteese is so delicious and healthier (no cholesterol or animal fat).
    If any cheese lawyers would like to sue me, I think that would be an excellent strategy. Please make sure you spell my name correctly.

  55. Rhett Micheletti says:

    Will throw out my Hellman’s as soon as I get home and will buy “Just Mayo” from now on! Here’s to egg in your face, Unilever!

    Unilever makes all kinds of products. If you believe in real consumer justice, don’t just complain about it, take a real stand and avoid buying the Unilever brands listed below, courtesy of the Unilever website:

    AXE – Getting the girl has never been easier, thanks to the AXE effect. As devoted users know, women can’t resist ANYONE wearing those great fragrances!

    Ben & Jerry’s – Joy for the belly and soul since 1978.

    Breyers – a leader in the ice cream industry, works hard to provide you with great tasting ice cream, a variety of options and consistent product innovation. BREYERS® SCOOPS UP SMILES.

    Caress – Captivate those around you with exquisite fragrance and luxuriously silky skin.

    Clear – Beautiful hair for women and dandruff-free hair for men.

    Consort® For Men: for men who want their hair to look right – without a lot of extra fuss. Never stiff, never sticky, without flowery fragrances or unnatural feel. Just regular hair products for regular guys.

    Country Crock – enjoys the privilege of being America’s favorite margarine spread, & repays that loyalty by maintaining a consistently high standard of taste & value.

    Degree – Job interview? Blind date? Stepping outside your comfort zone? Whatever challenge you’re facing, Degree won’t let you down.

    Dove – Discover the dove® difference.

    Fruttare – The Fruttare product line includes two types of frozen fruit bars, each bursting with real fruit taste: Fruttare® Fruit and Milk Bars – the first nationally available line of its kind – and Fruttare® Fruit and Juice Bars.

    Good Humor – “Unwrap a familiar smile.”

    Hellmann’s – Bring out a reason to spread, squeeze and dip.

    I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! – Fresh butter taste with 70% less saturated fat than butter*

    Just For Me! – The Just For Me! collection is specially formulated for the needs of children aged 5 to 14 years old. Gentle and moisturizing, our products build a foundation for a lifetime of healthy hair.

    Klondike – What would you do for a Klondike® Bar?

    Knorr – Knorr is your passport to food ideas from across the country & around the world. With Knorr’s dynamic range of products you will experience flavors, spices & colors inspired by the world’s best dishes & recipes.

    Lever 2000 – For a touchable clean your whole family will love.

    Lipton – Drink Better Everyday. Live Better Everyday.

    Magnum – Ice cream, one of the world’s most luxurious ice cream brands, brings its legendary taste to the U.S.

    Motions – African American hair is uniquely beautiful – but has special needs and requirements. Motions delivers salon-inspired hair care for today’s African American woman.

    Nexxus – At Nexxus, we believe hair should behave as beautifully as it looks. We mix science and art to provide breakthrough results for women who insist on the highest level of care for their hair.

    Noxzema – Noxzema is an iconic line of skin care products that provide unique cleansing and complexion care solutions. Our line of facial products will leave your skin feeling invigorated, refreshed and visibly clearer.

    Pond’s – Trust in a Classic.

    Popsicle – Beloved by the young at heart, Popsicle® pops come in a variety of flavors, colors & textures.

    Promise – We work with both nutritionists and chefs to develop products that can help consumers maintain a healthy heart.

    Q-tips – Whether you are preparing for a night on the town or creating artistic masterpieces, Q-tips® cotton swabs are the ultimate tool for your everyday needs.

    Simple – Meet Simple- The UK’s #1 facial skincare range*, perfect even for sensitive skin.

    St. Ives – We believe that nature has the power to soothe, heal, awaken and energize. Your skin is part of the natural world we love, so we help you care for it – naturally.

    Suave – products offer great quality beauty solutions for the entire family to help you look good, smell good and feel good every day.

    TIGI – is a hair care brand that is strongly influenced by fashion and sold only through professional hairdressers. With its unique position in the global professional hairdressing market, TIGI® has opened up new business opportunities for Unilever.

    TRESemmé -The hottest hair fashions are easy with TRESemmé salon-quality hair care products, without the salon price.

    Vaseline – Healthy skin, everyday.

    • Lorin says:

      OMG, all these brands; One Company!!!! So hard to avoid when you are a typical supermarket shopper like me. We are all needing better alternatives (or any viable alternatives for that matter)! Thankfully, at least I can easily make my own mayonnaise!

      • Rhett Micheletti says:

        Fighting for justice always requires sacrifice, as does anything of real value.

        It’s easy to have high principles, but hard to put meaningful action behind them. It’s the action that truly defines our character and our legacy, and that’s the most important lesson we can ever teach our children.

    • Tammy says:

      amazing, i don’t buy any of those products.
      It’s a huge company, though, and i am sure the list is far longer than this.

  56. Tammy says:

    To be honest, ‘Mayonnaise’ is eggs, oil and vinegar. That is what it is. If it has more ingredients, it’s not mayo. Hellmann’s adds starch and stuff, that’s not mayo. This ‘Just Mayo’ does not contain eggs, so it’s NOT MAYO. Both brands should have to change their labels. I don’t think that is a bad thing. Clearly, though, Unilever is just being a bully. Sadly, it also has a point, and an argument against itself.

    To be fair, though, Unilever did not alter the customer comments. It altered the stated name of its product to its actual name. That is not deceitful. That is following protocol and avoiding getting sued. I don’t know why anyone would be surprised by that, and I am not even sure how this adds to the argument.

    • O. Young says:

      Tammy: A quote is an EXACT copy of what someone said or wrote, right down to including all mispellings and poor punctuation. To attribute comments to someone and then alter what they said without noting that their words have been edited is unethical and in some situations illegal. Without such laws there is nothing to prevent me from misquoting someone to my advantage. For example if I make some tiny changes to your words:

      “Unilever did alter the customer comments. It altered the stated name of its product to its actual name. That is deceitful.” — Tammy

      All I did was remove a little 3-letter word wherever it appeared in the text.

      My point is that changing a quote is deceitful no matter how trivial and no matter what the intention. It is unethical when done for personal gain or to harm others.

      If Unilever wanted to change the endorsement text legally and ethically then the correct method would have been use the quote like this:

      “I could taste no difference in the olive oil mayonnaise [dressing] and I will continue to buy it […]”

      Those square brackets are recognized in the legal and the journalistic worlds to mean that words have been edited somehow from the original text.

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