Posts Tagged ‘USDA’
Posted on Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 by Michele Simon
School Nutrition Association includes such Big Food sponsors as PepsiCo, Domino’s and Muffin Town.
Perhaps the most visible advocate for improving school food, Michelle Obama is now defending what shouldn’t be such a controversial idea: adding fruits and vegetables to public school lunches. Ask any nutrition expert what foods Americans — especially kids — need more of in their diet, and the answer would be the same: fresh produce. But some Republicans, such as Rep. Robert Aderholt of Alabama, never seem to miss an opportunity to turn a no-brainer into a political battle, particularly when it comes to school food. (Who can forget the pizza as a vegetable debacle?) And just in time to give them the necessary cover, they got a gift from an unlikely source. The School Nutrition Association (SNA) has asked Congress to approve waiver requests for schools that are struggling to comply with federal nutrition regulations aimed at improving children’s health.
Read rest at Al Jazeera America …
Posted in Big Food, Child Nutrition, Industry Tactics, Marketing to Children | Tagged: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, child nutrition, childhood obesity, junk food, Let's Move, lobbying, Obama, school food policy, USDA | Michele on Google+ | View/Add Comments (0) |
Posted on Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 by Michele Simon
The United States is in the midst of a public health epidemic due to poor diet. While much of the focus has been on obvious culprits such as sugary soft drinks and fast food, dairy foods often get a pass. The dairy industry, propped up by government, has convinced us of the health benefits of milk and other dairy products. But the context of how people consume dairy matters.
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Posted in Big Food, Child Nutrition, Food Policy, Industry Tactics, Marketing to Children, Public Health | Tagged: child nutrition, childhood obesity, dairy, deceptive health claims, junk food, school food policy, USDA | Michele on Google+ | View/Add Comments (79) |
Posted on Friday, April 25th, 2014 by Michele Simon
Today, on behalf of Corporate Accountability International and in collaboration with the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, I submitted the following comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture regarding its proposal to require schools to only allow marketing for those foods allowed under the agency’s “Smart Snacks” nutrition guidelines. (See also the excellent comments submitted by Public Health Advocacy Institute on junk food products created for schools.)
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Posted in Child Nutrition, Food Policy | Tagged: advertising regulation, child nutrition, childhood obesity, Corporate Accountability International, junk food, USDA | Michele on Google+ | View/Add Comments (0) |
Posted on Monday, October 7th, 2013 by Michele Simon
With each attempt to pass the 2012 farm bill (yes, it has been that long), congressional Republicans keep ratcheting up their cruelty to poor Americans. While last year’s bill would have cut $16 billion to food stamps, the House of Representatives has now proposed an astonishing $39 billion reduction in benefits over 10 years. While many media pundits are outraged, and rightly so, missing from the national conversation are important questions about the effectiveness of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the federal food assistance plan formerly known as food stamps. Read rest at Al Jazeera America …
Posted in Big Food, Food Policy, Industry Tactics, Public Health | Tagged: child nutrition, food stamps, nutrition, SNAP, USDA, Walmart | Michele on Google+ | View/Add Comments (0) |
Posted on Monday, August 12th, 2013 by Michele Simon
In April, I submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture on behalf of Center for Food Safety regarding proposed nutrition guidelines for “competitive foods” sold in schools. These are foods sold outside the school program and consist mainly of junk food and soda. Our position was that schools should do away with these foods altogether and focus on improved school meals. While some groups celebrated when the interim final rule was released in June, numerous questions remain. (USDA is calling the rule “Smart Snacks in School.”) I asked registered dietitian Andy Bellatti to take a closer look at the new nutrition guidelines for potential weaknesses. You can submit comments to USDA until October 28; the rule takes effect in the 2014 school year.
Read the interview at Center for Food Safety …
Posted in Big Food, Child Nutrition, Food Policy, Marketing to Children | Tagged: school food, USDA | Michele on Google+ | View/Add Comments (1) |
Posted on Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 by Michele Simon

It seems hardly a week goes by without another foodborne illness outbreak. This time, in frozen organic berries, proving once again that even the health-conscious are not immune from getting sick. Although you wouldn’t know it from the packaging, the contaminated fruit came from overseas, raising several questions such as: Can we trust the USDA organic seal on imported food? I address this and other issues about our globalized food system in my latest article for Center for Food Safety, which you can read on their site here.
Posted in Food Policy, Food Safety, Public Health | Tagged: FDA, food safety, organic, outbreak, USDA | Michele on Google+ | View/Add Comments (0) |
Posted on Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 by Michele Simon

In March, when I first wrote about how the biotech rider—called the Monsanto Protection Act by its vocal opponents—undercut the constitutional concept of separation of powers, it seemed hardly anyone (other than the usual advocacy groups) was paying attention. But then a lot of people got mad, really mad.
Within a few short weeks the issue exploded in the mainstream media, with the surest sign the issue had hit the big time being (what else?) coverage by The Daily Show (hilariously entitled, “You Stuck What Where?”). Another indication was outrage even from a Tea Party blogger.
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Posted in Big Food, Food Policy, Food Safety, Industry Tactics | Tagged: agriculture policy, Big Food, Congress, farm bill, FDA, food safety, GMO labeling, GMOs, lobbying, Obama, USDA | Michele on Google+ | View/Add Comments (17) |
Posted on Monday, March 25th, 2013 by Michele Simon
Our founding fathers, white-maleness aside, did get a few things right. One of them was the concept of “separation of powers,” to ensure a system of checks and balances among the three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. But a dangerous provision snuck into the budget bill passed last week in Congress upends that system. Continue reading →
Posted in Big Food, Food Law, Food Policy, Industry Tactics | Tagged: agriculture policy, GMOs, law, Obama, USDA | Michele on Google+ | View/Add Comments (13) |